Resting In The Power Of The Cross

Have you ever seen a young child worried about bills? A house payment? Where there next meal was going to come from? In safe homes with good parents, most children wouldn’t be thinking about these things. Why? Becuase they know that their mom and dad will take care of them and provide for them.

So often as Christians we feel like we have to “work” to earn God’s goodness. We don’t trust Him to be our providor and take care of our needs, so we worry. But I want to tell you guys today….a child’s job is not to fight for their provision when they are in a loving home. Their job is to be obedient to their covering (their parents). They can have a confidence in knowing that they will be taken care of.

My friends, I want you to consider the concept of resting in the power of the cross and what Jesus Christ has done for us today. Never forget: We aren’t fighting FOR victory-Jesus has already won the battle! We are fighting FROM victory. Meaning we know our dad has already taken care of any problems we might face.

Just like that child that doesn’t have to worry about the bills, where there next meal is coming from, etc. we can rest in God’s provision and love over our lives without having to know all of the answers ahead of time. Jesus won the battle on the cross…our job is to be intentional to keep our focus on HIM and what He has done, and to medidate on his truth and the victory he has won.

What areas of your life have you been worried or stressed about today? Meditate on the power of the cross and the victory that Jesus has won on your behalf. And remember….your job is to be obedient. God’s job is to bring the breakthogh. Even if you don’t know all of the answers on how that situation that you are facing will work out-God does. And He has your best interests at heart, and it is 100% under control. 

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