Going “Numb” As A Christian

Have you ever experienced a season of “numbness” in your personal life? Often this happens as a coping mechanism that we develop after coming through harsh and stormy seasons. It’s easier to go numb rather than to deal with the pain and to bring it to God. “Hoping” in these seasons seems to hurt. And so we numb it. We shift our attention to other things. And we hope it will eventually go away.

Here’s the problem with that, folks: Time doesn’t heal all wounds. Jesus does. And so numbing the pain might feel helpful for a season. But it won’t fix the problem. Think about it like you are wrapping duct tape around a broken pipe. It might temporarily stop the leak. But you will still have major problems down the line because it wasn’t addressed correctly the first time.

My friends, God cares about the pain you are going through, and He needs you to get real with Him about how much it hurts. He can handle it.

Think of it this way: Have you ever been to the doctor and had alcohol drizzled on a wound. It hurts like crazy in the moment because it is sterilizing the wound, but it ultimately helps it a TON down the line because it is preventing infection and much worse things from happening to it down the line. It’s painful…but neccessary.

When we bring our wounds to God and allow ourselves to “feel” the pain and process it in His loving arms, it allows the numbness to slowly start being peeled back. God’s presence is the ultimate antiseptic. It cleanses us. It heals us. And it helps to begin the process of putting us back together again.

Are there any areas of hurt in your life today where you feel like you have gone numb? Bring those things to God today and pour out your hear to Him. He cares more than you know, and He is the ultimate healer. The problem with not feeling anything at all is….you also cannot feel the GOOD times, as well. God wants to help you to fix that, my friends. In God’s presence there is always hope, and He is faithful today. Let Him cleanse you.